Australian Sports Commission's
Club Development Network
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The Australian Sports Commission’s Club Development Network


The Club Development Network is a free, Web based program that supports the development and management capacity of sporting clubs. 


The aim of the Network is to assist clubs across Australia to identify ways in which they can develop their clubs so they can provide the best possible service to their members. The principle upon which the network has been established is one of promoting continuous improvement.


To be a successful, well-run club you need a clear understanding of leadership, planning, people and organisational performance while maintaining a strong member focus. These areas are emphasised in the Club Development Network.

By developing and promoting products and services from the ASC, National Sporting Organisations (NSOs), and other groups, clubs can improve their management.

On becoming involved in the Network, a club/association undertakes an internal review using a simple checklist. The checklist helps to identify how the club is performing in various aspects of its management and operation. In doing so it identifies a number of areas for improvement and develops an action plan for addressing those areas.

From here the club can access the Resource Library which has a wealth of club friendly resources to help the club address its agreed actions. Members have asked for examples they could print off and use at their next committee meeting. Resources range from a template for a strategic plan through to a fact sheet on how to run a safe sausage sizzle. It is all there waiting for you to log on and print it off.

Members will also benefit from regular updates via the club development electronic newsletter, E-news. The newsletter covers a wide range of topics dealing with all aspects of running an effective club.

Over six thousand clubs are already members of the Network and your club can join by logging onto and then clicking on free membership.

   This website is part of the Network
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